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in the end I felt closer to my inner self and my heart. Gratitude brought safety in my heart and that\'s how it made me happier

Step #8 Where will I fly next

I repeat to myself how it’s good to appreciate every simple thing, it makes me feel good and safe. I found out that gratitude makes me feel safe…

In the morning I did my gratitude and felt so much positive, I went for a jog in the nice weather and enjoyed the sunshine, and at the end of my day I realized how good my day went and how I could keep my energy so much positive throughout the whole day

Step#7 Highest Height

In the morning I did my gratitude and appreciated everything I have and decided to keep my energy positive throughout the day, I went for a jog to…

First scene shows title " Pre-midterms" and stick figure with stressed face and a coffee. Grey cloud with lightning bolts above the stick figure. Second scene has title "Post Midterms" and stick figure with happy face and colourful fireworks above.

Step 5: Show me the data!

Based on my data it can be seen via the graphs that before midterms I was a lot unhappier because of the stress I was experiencing and the…

A stickman stands flexing his muscles. Above his head is a speech bubble that reads, “new man!” Underneath that are 2 prohibition signs with a Youtube logo in one and a phone in the other.

Step #8 New man!

After completing my practice over the past month and a bit I feel like a new man. This project has helped me tremendously when it comes to staying…

Stick figure girl is eating a healthy meal and has a big smile across her face. On the table is a green juice, broccoli, salmon and rice.

Step #8- FLY. Next “Caper”- Where will you fly next?

I am continuing to follow better eating habits and being more self conscious of what I consume. I believe this will benefit me now and in the future…

Stick figure girl just coming back from the grocery store and displaying the food she bought.

Step #7 fly! Highest height so far

One of my best days during my get cape study was when I came back from the grocery store. I felt super motivated by looking at all the…

Stick figure girl is celebrating her birthday with friends and cake

Step #6 flop? Your hardest day

It was difficult for my to eat healthy on my birthday because friends kept wanting me to treat me out for lunch and dinner. It was also difficult…

Stick figure girl is cooking in the kitchen meal prepping foods like salmon and carrots

Step #5- show me the data! My conclusion is

In this comic, I am continuing to meal prep my weekly meals. Even after the 14 days, I am carrying over my healthy eating habits to everyday life!

I am very sorrow from the loss of my friend but I\'m trying to get better with gratitude

Step #6 Your hardest day

After the loss of my friend I felt so sorrow and down for few days but I tried to help myself get through it by doing gratitude .

I am taking some time to breath and gratitude and get calm

Step #5, Show me the data

I did learn that even though if life gets hard sometimes I should be able to still gratitude and appreciate my life, that way I can make hard…

There are 4 sections in this comic, in the first sections a big arm is shown representing the healthy body, in the second book is shown representing the knowledge, in the third a stick figure is standing and speaking in front of public with confidence, in the fourth and last one time clock is shown which is reflecting time management.

Step #8

So, after 14 days I came to a result that I have become more positive and energetic. Moreover, this positivity generated energy in me and widened my knowledge…

In this comic there stick figure walking on the running track in the peaceful surroundings, doing meditation, reading books and eating healthy foods.

Step #7

It was the highest productive day, I woke up early, did exercise on proper time, meditated peacefully and proper nutritional food was consumed. This resulted in a lot…

Stick figure thinking about drinking water

Ran out of wateremembering to drink water

The girl is remembering that she needs to continue to drink water to keep increasing her health and happiness

As regards to the comic, wherein I spent my day playing video games, Netflix and usage of the mobile phone, so I had an extremely ineffective day, and i slept after 3.00 A.M.

step 1

in this modern time of innovation, each and everyone is having distractions that stand up to be unproductive, it can be mobile phones, television or before long, we…

In the comic there is two stick figure one is me and other one is my friend who used to tease me but now he is saying that i am looking cool and had a great change in my body. The stick figure is proud and will continue this variable for lifetime.

Step 8

In the comic stick figure is happy after his change and decided to follow it for life time. His friend is praising him.

3 stickfigures, going in a cycle. The first one is sleeping, where the next one is meditating, and then the third one is getting ready to go to sleep.

Step #5 Show me the Data!

From the data I concluded that I was working non-stop in a continuous never-ending cycle of waking up, meditating, and then sleeping. I felt like I was a…

In this stick figure, a person is positive and thinking of the things he did. like, 8 hours sleep, full of energy and

Step #7

It was a day, when I was very sure on the grounds that I finished my research task ( Slept for 8 hours) and I measured three times…

In the comic stick figure is representing that he comp at day 14 and that was the highest day for him as he was feeling so relaxed and active after a lot of running. This changes his life.

Get cape Step#7

The stick figure is happy after completing his day 14 task of running.

Stickman looking out to an island with a flag that says tai chi. The island is green, and the ocean is blue with waves. The boat is brown with a red sail.

Step #8 – Fly Next

I think a new thing I could look into, would most likely be tai-chi as it is very similar to what I just researched on. It is also…

In this picture There is stick figure which is depicting me. Enjoying birthday party and there is table with cake and balloons everywhere and also to do list in which there are non productive things are written.

Step #6

The day on which I did not eat anything healthy, no workout was done and reading was ignored was my lowest day. It was on the occasion of…