84 Comics Categorized "Step #3 – Wear cape: Day1" (page 3 of 5)

By now you have chosen your “make one change” variable, posted your back story, gathered and organized for success. Now it’s time to show us a stick figure scene of how your first day on your plan went…

Stick figure person lying on the bed. Air purifier is prepared before going to sleep. Alarm is set it up.

Step #3 – Wear Cape: Day 1

My first day was great. This is because I woke up energetic and more focused. The smell of air freshener has created a clean environment which increased the…

On the left panel, a stick figure is going to sleep. The clock reads eleven thirty pm. On the right panel, the same figure wakes up at seven am.


On the left panel, I am falling asleep at 11:30 pm. On the right panel, I am waking up. This shows my new sleep schedule, one I hope…

Person not using phone results in certain increases

Step #3 – Wear cape: Day 1

On my first day of logging off of social media and putting my phone away, I already started to get more sleep that night, become more energetic and…

A stickman is looking at his computer ina thinking pose, with speech bubble above his head reading, \

Step 3: First day putting my phone away for an hour while I study

This was my first day putting my phone and any other distractions away for an hour while I studied. I quickly found that I was having a hard…

A stick figure is starring in the mirror, then counting.

Step #3 – Wear cape – Day 1: calm

I’m quite struggling on the first day. Well not really, as everyone is worry about their midterm, I myself included. Because I was stress and have a panic…

My stick figure self holding a spatula. I am standing in front of a stove and cooking myself eggs for breakfast. Next to the stove is a sink. The cherries are in a bowl in the sink. I have left the tap (water) on. The cherries are being washed while I cook. Behind me there is a table and a chair. I will be sitting down at this table to eat my breakfast once it is ready.

Step 3: Day 1 – Cooking A Healthy Meal

I am cooking myself a healthy breakfast to ensure that my body ingests the nutrients it needs in order to start my day off with energy and in…

Stick figure person slumped over with phone, "z's" are above stick person.

Step #3 – Wear Cape: Day 1

My first day of “wear cape” did not go as planned. I woke up in the middle of the night and went on my phone for a while…

A stick figure, writing a diary about how and why she was happy all day long at the end of the day.


In the picture, I am writing a diary about how I spent my day. In a bigger picture of a diary, it says, I met my friend and…

a stick figure girl, a bed, side table, oil diffuser, a phone turned off and a close door

step #3 day 1

In this comic, I am sitting on my bed practicing breathing technique’s for relaxation and anxiety. The door is closed with my phone off and essential oil diffuser…

Out on a run down a nice cement path, absorbing some vitamin D and enjoying the fall colours + sunshine

Step #3 Sunshine, Concrete and Endorphins!

Out on a run, enjoying the sun. Feeling the Vitamin D and a nice mood boost!

Delighted stick figure holding a fork to their mouth with a salad on a plate infront of them

Step #3 – Wear Cape: Day 1

I have been doing pretty well with watching the sugar, preservative, and gluten intake within the foods I’ve been eating. I did prep a couple of meals too…

Before and day 1 contrast. Before: me sleeping past 1:00pm. Day 1, trying the alarm for early morning at 10:30am, waking up very groggy

Step 3: Wear cape Day 1

Before, I would sleep in past 1pm and even until the afternoon because I would sleep very late. For the first day, I tried falling asleep earlier to…

A stick figure saying I need sugar.

Step #3- wear a cape: I thought It would be easier

I struggled a lot on my first day. I felt angry, tired, my patience level was almost zero. At night I thought to myself “why didn’t I choose…

Stick figure head has 5 blue thought bubbles. From left to right, the bubbles contain: skeleton, book, to-do list, sleep, game console

Step #3 – Day 1

The first day of my meditation didn’t go so well… I found it difficult not to think of other things. I tried to acknowledge the thought and try…

stick figure getting a good seven hours of sleep and resting well

Step #3 – Day 1 Comic

I am in deep sleep, getting a good rest for the busy day ahead and beyond!

Stick figure girl filling up her first water bottle in the morning


She is filling up her first water bottle of the day and she is making sure that she is getting the correct amount of water in the water…

Stick girl rides stationary bike. A thought bubble contains a cookie with an X through it. Speaker plays music behind her.

Step #3 – Day 1

My first workout was on a stationary bike in my basement. I played some motivating music and felt so energized after! I did definitely eat a cookie later…

There is a man working out in the gym with several exercises for him to do. He has dumbbell weights in his hands with a bench press rack set up beside him.

Step #3 – Wear Cape – Day 1

A man working out in the gym.

Me beginning my first day of practicing gratitude, and my first night of consciously practicing gratitude for the get cape assignment

Step #3 – GET CAPE – DAY 1

This is my first morning practicing gratitude, saying my gratitude not only for myself but those around me. Second slight is me beginning my first yoga class since…

Girl on treadmill holding 5 pound weights with words β€œ30 min” on treadmil and thinking to herself β€œI need a break” with the 3 words motivation, success and improvement with check marks beside them.


On Tuesday I started my first day of exercising for at least 30 minutes to see if it will improve my energy levels throughout the day. I wanted…