On Tuesday I started my first day of exercising for at least 30 minutes to see if it will improve my energy levels throughout the day. I wanted to try an easy exercise to start because I haven’t been in the gym in a really long time since the pandemic. I found one that is supposed to be good for cardio that is a 30 minute treadmill workout and I added 10 minutes of weight lifting for strength training. I definitely had to take breaks between these workouts but I was still very proud of myself for going and completing my goals. I felt motivated to keep going, I felt successful to have gone even though I took breaks and I felt an improvement in my body. My energy levels were still somewhat low especially after the workout because I haven’t gone in so long but mentally I felt empowered.

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Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Girl on treadmill holding 5 pound weights with words “30 min” on treadmil and thinking to herself “I need a break” with the 3 words motivation, success and improvement with check marks beside them.

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