8 Comics Tagged "CAP3.MOJAH"

stick figure version of me lying on my bed with three text bubbles where I am complaining about the day I\'ve had. I am focusing on and bringing up all the negative parts of my day and letting it bring me down and take up even more of my energy, instead of making myself feel better by recalling a few of the positive things that occurred in my day. Since I struggle with cognitive retraining, I would benefit from taking some time during my day to think of the good things that happened as well.

Step #1 – Get cape – Back story

Drawn poorly, there is me lying on my bed in my room complaining about the negative parts of my day.

You can see me thinking about a few things in the day that made me feel unhappy and in the next slide I immediately correct myself and remind myself to think of a few good things that happened as well.

STEP #3 – Wear cape: Day 1

In the first slide, I am only recalling the things that happened in my day that were negative. Like not being able to find parking, losing my keys,…

Me, trying to recall positive events. In a text bubble I am realizing nothing positive occurred.

STEP #6- Wear cape- Flop? Your hardest day

In my comic, I am trying to continue my practice by recalling positive events that occurred in my day. It effected my happiness to realize that I couldn’t…

Me, sitting at my desk at the end of the night, recalling that the negative obstacles didn’t ruin my happiness.


In my comic, I am realizing that despite the fact that something happened that would usually make me very unhappy, I have still been able to maintain my…

Me, after having analyzed my data, realizing its permanent effect. I am looking out the window and feeling content. There is a thought bubble showing that I am happy, and a speech bubble stating my disbelief that this actually increased my happiness!


This is a scene showing my thoughts and realizations after having taken a look at my data, and I am in shock by the positive permanent effects and…

I am writing a list at the end of the day of all the things that happened that made me happy. On a paper I have listed that I got smiled at, that I was able to find parking, and that I pet a dog today.

STEP #2 – Get Cape: Preparing for change

I am writing down a list of all the positive things that occurred in the day that caused me joy in any type of way so that I…

Me, wearing my cape with the bird from my step #4 comic on my shoulder (because every superhero needs a sidekick). There is a thought bubble with mountains in it, and a text bubble saying that now that I have mastered my happiness, I can do anything!


Now that I have finished my practice and have mastered my ability to cognitively retrain my thoughts. I am now excited to overcome future obstacles because now I…

Me sitting on my bed thinking of good and bad things that happened during the day. There are text bubbles that change from me being stressed about my day, to being happy all thanks to the bird that was sitting on my car in the thought bubble.

Step #4 – Wear Cape: Day 7

At the end of my 7th day of practice, I am sitting on the bed recalling events that happened in my day. Even though I was initially upset…