75 Comics Categorized "Step #8 – Fly. Next “caper” – Where will you fly next?" (page 4 of 4)

Your project is finished! You had an initial issue, your chose ONE psychological practice to try, you gathered materials, and organized your life for a good beginning. You practiced your technique for 14 days (not counting missed days), and you flew — or not. What will be different or the same about your life now that you have completed your ‘Get cape. Wear cape. Fly.’ research project? Where will you “fly” next?

A stick figure has a thought bubble showing another figure meditating. An arrow shows down to another bubble saying happiness with an up arrow.

Step #8 Fly next

After finishing my get cape project I think I will most definitely try and practice more meditation as my life goes on. I think this was a very…

3 stick figure girls feeling different emotions

get cape step #8 – fly. next

In this comic I am showing how I felt before and on my first day of starting my get cape project. I always had anxiety about certain situations…

Whitebord with the text \

Step #8 Fly next

I think the whole project has been really fun and I learned a lot from it. I think that my next step would be to do a similar…

Stick figure person is managing time according to clock


after 14days of get cape i decide to decide to meditate regularly which brings calmness, good habits and much more and i will encourage the people around me…

A stick figure girl with curly hair with a red cape with an S on it. She is saying ‘I am capable with a smile on her face.

Step 8, My cape is soaring! But where to?

This comic is about me realizing what I am capable of and wearing my cape proudly. Now that I have finished my study, I am now aware that…

Stick figure girl tracking her life on a calendar. A speech bubble comes out of her head and inside it is the word calm and a bunch of sleep symbols.

Step #8 – FLY. Next

After de-stressing every day for 14 days, I realized that it can help bring a lot of calmness and relaxation into my life. It allows me to think…

Dark cloud with rain and lightning on left. Stick figure in middle looking to the right at a tree and sunshine.

Step #8 – Fly. Next

Spending 14 days practicing positive thinking has made me realize how easy it is to focus on the bright threads in life. One thing that will be different…

Stick figure girl flying with a cape on, to the left the words “Average” “mediocrity” and “feeling ok” all have X’s on them, to the right of the page the words “consistency” “success” and “feeling good” all have check marks, the stick figure is flying towards those words

STEP #8 – Fly. Next caper – where will I fly next?

Now that I’ve completed the Get cape – wear cape project, I understand how changing one small aspect in your life can make a difference. Although the project…

Two stick figures. One figure is very sad and cannot focus and the other figure is happy and wants to help the sad figure.

Step 8: Where will I fly next?

In this comic, I have decided to encourage the people around me to try out meditating. It has definitely changed my lifestyle and I firmly believe everyone can…

stick figure telling what she felt and why she should continue her get cape journey

STEP #8 – Fly. My plans for the future

I have realized that by using cognitive retention, I have been subconsciously started remembering the good in the things that happen in my life and also the general…

You see me continuing to practice yoga after the 14 days, (and loving it!) .

Step #8 – Fly. Next “caper” – Where will I fly next?

After the 14 days, I have decided that although I wasn’t as successful as I initially thought I’d be, the great feeling I got after yoga class was…

girl indoor, listening to music, cup of tea in hand, covered in a blanket, She looks at peace


I think in the future I will continue to take time for myself to relieve stress but in different ways such as listening to music with a hot…

Circular head with nose and straight expression in the middle of image with a small question mark directly above head. 4 orange circles are above the head with images inside them (left to right): meditation, sleeping, shower, food.

Step #8 – Where Will You Fly Next?

Before starting this project, I enjoyed meditation but rarely engaged in it. After getting into more of a habit with it, I have added it to my self-care…

There are three stick figures that are showing how I will continue to run, hike and workout.

Step #8- where will you fly next?

In this comic, I drew three photos of me exercising. Working out is now a part of life that I will always try and fit into my schedule…

A man sleeping on his side, the moonlight peers in through the window and stars are dancing across the sky like someone ripped open a bag filled with banana flavoured skittles and scattered them all around.

Step # 8 Where will you fly next?

Our hero slips into a deep, restful sleep. His life has changed for the better. He is calmer, sleeps deeper, and takes time to embrace more moments of…