8 Comics Tagged "KPU.ARJUP"

Stick version of me finally falling asleep at 12:00 AM and getting 8 hours of sleep because it will help me be relaxed the next day.

Step#4- Wear Cape – Day 7 (halfway)

In the stick figure scene its me falling asleep at a reasonable time. I am starting to become more relaxed each and everyday because I’m getting my eight…

four comic panels with stick figure in bed

Step #3 – Wear cape – Day 1

Basically, this is me getting extremely frustrated trying to get a full eight hours of sleep because my body was not used to sleeping that early.

Stick version of me having the worst sleep ever. It was 2:00 AM and I was still wide awake

Step #6- Your hardest day

This was the first day of my project to get eight hours of sleep. I decided to go to sleep early at 12:00 AM, but little do I…

This is how I dealt with stress and relaxation before the class before the get cape project. The first one is me walking a dog, second one is me working out and last is me with my family

Step #2- Preparing for change

This is how I relax and deal with stress

Stick version of my self talking to my friend saying how I am so stressed and I need to relax. In the \

Step #5- Show me the data!

This is a comic of me overcoming my goal. Before doing this project I was always stressed but this project showed me that anything is possible when you…

This is a stick version of myself enjoying some popcorn at the end of the night while watching a movie on Netflix.

Step #7

In this comic, I am so relaxed because I had no stress this day. This is me enjoying myself because I finished everything I needed to do.

This is a stick version of myself dreaming about get cape and having a good sleep with my new sleep schedule.

Step #8

This comic is me having a good sleep dreaming about the get cape while having a good sleep with my new sleeping schedule.

This is multiple stick figures versions of me doing what I do in a day such as going to the gym, school, work and basketball

Step #1- Back Story

This comic is basically my busy life and what I do in a day.