8 Comics Tagged "CAP5.SHAYL"

Athletic stick person holds barbell above their head while another stick person eats a cookie in front of a TV

Step #1 – Get cape – Back story

Pre-covid me went to CrossFit almost daily. Since the pandemic, my gym closed and I started a serious relationship with cookies. I’m ready to pull up my gym…

Stick person, holding many shopping bags, walks towards a Lululemon store. A cloud shaped thought bubble encases an image of a water bottle and pair of leggings.

Step 2: Preparing for a change

This comic shows me going to Lululemon to buy a new water bottle and pair of leggings. This is part of my preparation for committing to (and getting…

Stick girl rides stationary bike. A thought bubble contains a cookie with an X through it. Speaker plays music behind her.

Step #3 – Day 1

My first workout was on a stationary bike in my basement. I played some motivating music and felt so energized after! I did definitely eat a cookie later…

Stick girl holds a cup of coffee and stares out a sunny window. A yoga mat and pair of dumbbells and behind her. Music plays from an iPhone.

Step #4 – Day 7 (halfway)

This comic shows me enjoying and looking forward to working out as a new part of my routine. I am overall feeling happier to start my day!

An equal sign is in-between a happy face and a muscular stick figure holding dumbbells

Step #5 – Show Me The Data!

The comic shows my conclusion – that exercise does really equal happiness! I am being mildly dramatic with the six pack imagery, but you get the idea. I…

Stick figure holds an open book titled, Biology Midterm Exam. On the other half, a sad stick figure loosely holds a set of dumbbells

Step #6 – Wear Cape – Flop

This comic shows me at my most unmotivated point. I had two biology midterms to study for and was feeling very overwhelmed. I tried to follow through with…

A stick figures face is inside a BC novice drivers licence. The figures body protrudes below it showing muscular arms.

Step #7 – Fly! Highest Height…so far

This comic shows my best day during the Get Cape study! I was nervous that day because I had my first N test scheduled and didn’t know what…

Stick figure stands in front of a gym wearing a shirt that says #1 member

Step #8 – FLY. Next “Caper”

This comic shows what I hope to do next – join a gym that isn’t in my living room and continue this new part of my routine but…