8 Comics Tagged "CAP5.CONNP"

Our hero is sleepy, but stumbles towards the fridge in search of something to eat, as he is feeling hungry.

Step #1 – Get cape – Back story

The protagonist in this story has been having trouble sleeping. Sometimes he notices that he sleeps better, and worse depending on what he ate that day.

We see a man sitting, he is comfortable with his running shoes on and enjoying a smoothie while looking at the sun through the window. He’s got to get his energy levels up because he’s about to head out for a run!

Step #2 Preparing For Change

Our stick figure protagonist has a healthy drink in hand, his sneakers tied tight and a running cap on. He’s getting ready to go for a run, (rain,…

Out on a run down a nice cement path, absorbing some vitamin D and enjoying the fall colours + sunshine

Step #3 Sunshine, Concrete and Endorphins!

Out on a run, enjoying the sun. Feeling the Vitamin D and a nice mood boost!

Our protagonist looks at himself in the mirror and is feeling pure joy. The endorphins have grown stronger, as has he, and his runs have gotten longer! He is in his bedroom, a lamp glowing softly behind him. It\\\'s early evening and he just returned home from his jog!

Step #4, Day 7!

Maybe its the lighting, maybe it’s the endorphins, one thing is certain our hero prefers this version of himself much more than the one he knew seven days…

Our hero in the red hat stands on a purple carpet, his red hat and shoes on, he is triumphant and feeling fantastic as the sun beams in from his bedroom window.

Step #5 – Show me the data!

The last day of the get cape experiment, our hero proudly faces his audience and flexes his guns! Not only has the experiment changed our hero mentally for…

The hero of our story sits on the ground, holding his knee, and wincing in pain. A flower sitting in front of him reminds him to that things will get better. We can’t have flowers without a little rain. 

Step #6 – The hardest day

On this day of the experiment I injured my knee and was temporarily out of commission as a result. 

A triumphant hero with his fist pumped in the air, his cape blowing in the wind behind him. He feels poised, and full of confidence, as he pumps his fist in the air, the ending scene from the breakfast club runs through his head.

Step #7 – Fly! Highest height – Fly high!

On this day I had taken two days off prior to running and almost doubled my distance on the next run I went on, proving to myself the…

A man sleeping on his side, the moonlight peers in through the window and stars are dancing across the sky like someone ripped open a bag filled with banana flavoured skittles and scattered them all around.

Step # 8 Where will you fly next?

Our hero slips into a deep, restful sleep. His life has changed for the better. He is calmer, sleeps deeper, and takes time to embrace more moments of…