8 Comics Tagged "CAP3.CHARK"

Stick figure is busy being distracted by the computer even though he should be working. Unfortunately, he is playing video games.

Step #1 – Get cape – Back story

I am a very distracted person. Sometimes, in occasions where I should be studying, I am busy playing video games, or watching shows on my computer.

Glassed man putting away device while maintaining to good, healthy practices of studying with zero presence of computers or phones. He is writing down his feelings about what he feels without the lack of electronics.

Step #2 – Get Cape: Preparing For Change: Social Media.

For every forty minutes in every two hours, I would have a dissociative time to snap away my technologies in order to focus on important things. Since I…

Student with glasses is writing on a note, unhappily because of the experiment. He is remarking to himself whether if he would make it past the day while his phone is charged and distances away from him.

Step #3: Wear Cape: Uh Oh..

First day felt.. Off. Fourty minutes of time specifically without my device; knowing full well I might not be catching updates with my friends online. It was very…

Man with glasses panicking over social media apps, such as instagram, facebook, and discord, worrying about his social media life instead of prioritizing better things in his life.

Step #4: Wear Cape: Day 7: Oh no.

Goodness, this was harder than I thought.. I have discovered the fact that I am very self-dependent with my device, that actually focusing on my priorities are becoming…

Stick figure with glasses tosses phone towards a direction to begin his Get Cape Fly Project, but spends his time thinking about an social media app, Instagram, while he is studying.

Part 5: Result and Analasys

I had a difficult time doing the project. However, it did not deter me from giving up. When I truly finished my experiment, I was given insight to…

Man with glasses idly lays down on his bed while watching a post from a phone while stress and anxiety succumbs to his mentality.

Step 6: The hardest day.

There was a time, around the last bits of the second to the third week, where I truly felt extremely pushed and burnt out because of personal life….

glassed man walks with his dogs, studying, and even interacting with others without the presence of devices at the moment for three consecutive days.

Part 7: Highlight of my days

Day 8-10 was very pleasant for the time being. I had every opportunity to prioritize, the things I love doing without having to look at my phone. I…

glassed man leaned against the table while looking at his phone and leaving his computer on.

Part 8: Where Will I Fly Next?

there was a lot of struggle during this whole project. Ups and downs included during the sequence of events following these two weeks that I have been doing…